In order to give you the best possible mount I can here are a few steps to follow once you have harvested your animal.

-Cape animal out as swiftly and cleanly as possible. Preferably without a dorsal cut, do not cut the brisket or up the neck! 

-Make sure to leave plenty of skin 

– I advise cutting just in front of the animals flank and just below the knees on the foreleg

-Leave the head in the skin, if possible and freeze it if you can not get it to me within the day.

-It is imperative that the cape cool quickly and remain cold and dry. This will lessen the chances of slip. I recommend freezing predators immediately if you can not bring them to me within a handful of hours. 

-If it can not be fit in a freezer, and you can not reach me in time, please refer to the video tutorials on how to skin the head out. Please keep in mind this is a very delicate process and one of the most important. Leave as much GUM/LIP and Eyelid as possible, and try not to cut hair! 🙂


Field care of your animal is the first and most important step for me as your taxidermist. The better care you take of your animal, the better quality your mount will be simply by default of what I get back from the tannery.


Video Coming Soon...